Update notification settings

This endpoint is used to edit the user's global notification settings. See this endpoint for per-stream notification settings.

PATCH https://ucs.upbook.com/api/v1/settings/notifications

Usage examples

#!/usr/bin/env python3

import zulip

# Pass the path to your zuliprc file here.
client = zulip.Client(config_file="~/zuliprc")

# Enable push notifications even when online
request = {
    'enable_offline_push_notifications': True,
    'enable_online_push_notifications': True,
result = client.update_notification_settings(request)

curl -sSX PATCH https://ucs.upbook.com/api/v1/settings/notifications \
    -d 'enable_offline_push_notifications=true' \
    -d 'enable_online_push_notifications=true'


Argument Example Required Description
enable_stream_desktop_notifications true No

Enable visual desktop notifications for stream messages.

enable_stream_email_notifications true No

Enable email notifications for stream messages.

enable_stream_push_notifications true No

Enable mobile notifications for stream messages.

enable_stream_audible_notifications true No

Enable audible desktop notifications for stream messages.

notification_sound "ding" No

Notification sound name.

enable_desktop_notifications true No

Enable visual desktop notifications for private messages and @-mentions.

enable_sounds true No

Enable audible desktop notifications for private messages and @-mentions.

enable_offline_email_notifications true No

Enable email notifications for private messages and @-mentions received when the user is offline.

enable_offline_push_notifications true No

Enable mobile notification for private messages and @-mentions received when the user is offline.

enable_online_push_notifications true No

Enable mobile notification for private messages and @-mentions received when the user is online.

enable_digest_emails true No

Enable digest emails when the user is away.

enable_login_emails true No

Enable email notifications for new logins to account.

message_content_in_email_notifications true No

Include the message's content in missed messages email notifications.

pm_content_in_desktop_notifications true No

Include content of private messages in desktop notifications.

wildcard_mentions_notify true No

Whether wildcard mentions (E.g. @all) should send notifications like a personal mention.

desktop_icon_count_display 1 No

Unread count summary (appears in desktop sidebar and browser tab)

  • 1 - All unreads
  • 2 - Private messages and mentions
  • 3 - None

Must be one of: 1, 2, 3.

realm_name_in_notifications true No

Include organization name in subject of missed message emails.


Return values

The server will return the settings that have been changed after the request, with their new value. Please note that this doesn't necessarily mean that it will return all the settings passed as parameters in the request, but only those ones that were different than the already existing setting.

Example response

A typical successful JSON response may look like:

    "enable_offline_push_notifications": true,
    "enable_online_push_notifications": true,
    "msg": "",
    "result": "success"